Snow, Ice, and Salt? No Problem If You Follow These Tips

While the cold weather does not represent a risk to the durability of your vehicle wrap, salt can be detrimental. If road salts are left untreated on your vehicle wrap for an extended period, it can jeopardize the car wrap. One of the best ways of preventing corrosion of your vehicle wrap is to remove the salt as swiftly and efficiently as possible. Taking the time to care for your vehicle wrap will ensure the wrap’s durability throughout the long winter months. Here are a few tips to help get you through the winter months.

caring for vinyl wrap in winterSay No To Ice Scrapers

If you do not want damage or scratch your graphics, avoid scraping ice, salt, or snow off your car with snow shovels or ice scrapers. Carefully use a broom or soft cloth to remove snow and ice. Treat the graphic like you would paint. Big Dog Graphics also recommends sticking to the window defroster to remove snow or ice from solid vinyl or perforated vinyl on windows.

Steer away from Salt!winter vehicle care

Adhesive vinyl resists salt, but if it is exposed to salt for a long time, damage could occur. Remove salt from the undercarriage, wheel, and wells. In this way, you will eliminate issues caused by rust. Rusted steel components ultimately affect the graphics attached to them. Salt is extremely corrosive so don’t let it accumulate on your vehicle.

High-Quality Vehicle Wraps

Vehicle Wraps can withstand ice, rain, sleet, and snow without experiencing any damage. These helpful tips will protect your wrap during the winter months and prolong the life of your vehicle. And, do not hesitate to contact Big Dog Graphics and Wraps with questions about how to care for your vehicle wrap. We understand the value of vehicle wraps and want them looking as good as new!

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